

The #1 way to do content marketing

With Indigo, you have everything you need in one place to streamline your entire content marketing workflow.
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Expand your business and reach your target audience through content marketing!



Stay ahead of your competitors with the smoothest workflow and efficient results!


1,2,3, Go

Simple, smooth and smart

Sign up
Just sign up with Indigo, no strings attached.
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Connect your business
Fill in your url, company goals and mission.
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Start content-ing
Follow the suggestions and scores and publish everyday!
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We give our word

Your content is safe and secure

We take your security seriously and take measures to ensure your content stays safe.
Online and Offline
Online and Offline
You can access your content even offline in your dashboard. No additional charges.
Intergrate it your way
Intergrate it your way
You don’t have to suit yourself to this new workflow. Intergrate with 50+ available integrations and add Indigo into your workflow smoothly.
Made for teams
Made for teams
Allow access on various levels. You can completely customize the access you provide to youe team members.

Try today

Set up Indigo in a minute!

Start content marketing today, the right way!
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